Hello everybody and welcome to my last blog post of the year!
Well, what to say... 2020 has been a really "particular" year, in order not to use worst worlds :) I guess we are all tired of the global pandemic situation that came up during this year, but unfortunately we are all going to continue to face it in 2021 so keep calm, stay safe and continue to practice yoga :)

I invite you to reflect on the present year, which is going to finish soon, perhaps you will remember some good episodes alongside the various inconveniences we had to endure. Focus on those moments, terminate the year with a smile on your face, even if covered by a mask, and don't let Covid19 win over our emotional side! We are stronger, we will never give up! Positivism, laughter and love will always lead us towards happiness and, through this, we will open the doors to the New Year.
Think also at your yoga praxis, how it maybe changed this year through the switch to online classes? Or maybe you just started in the online format and you never experienced practicing physically in a studio with other people? Think at how it could be. Think at your progresses and challenges. What are your good resolutions for 2021? Maybe you could start with setting you a regularity in your yoga praxis. Me, it's one year I'm doing it every day :) It sounds a lot, but it's not. After waking up, before having breakfast I just unroll my mat in my room and practice the sun salutation several times. Only few regular movements in the morning and the day can start at its best. You could try from January on and then maybe start to attend a class on a regular basis. This is of course only a suggestion, only if you feel the benefits of yoga and want to improve your praxis. If you think yoga is nothing for you, dedicate yourself to another discipline which better fits your body and spirit :) I strongly believe that everybody can benefit from yoga but at the same time I know that not everybody shares my opinion.
If I think at the progresses I did this year, I can consider my self pretty satisfied. Coming back from a 6 months travel, starting to teach yoga for my first time through zoom. Setting up a brand and all online related activities. Learning new funny variations of yoga, such as acro yoga, that thanks to my partner in love Gaetan is improving a lot. Spending the Summer at the beach, chilling, studying and practicing yoga. Coming back to Berlin, starting a new professional job and keeping my yoga classes ongoing :) I cannot complain at all.
But I'm sure that you are also full of new achievements this year and if not, than work towards achieving them next year. It doesn't need to be something complicated, it can also simply be "chill more" :)
So now find your good resolution and enjoy your winter holiday, despite all the restrictions!
I wish you all merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Thanks for all you support you gave me in 2020!
See you in 2021!!!