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Status Quo SìYoga: What I reached so far and what's next

Writer: Silvia SchiaroliSilvia Schiaroli

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

Hello yogis from all around the world!

After these 3 first months of online, outdoor and itinerant yoga teaching, I'd like to share some important numbers with you, just to be sure I can continue to keep full transparency on my social media activities and SìYoga project.

The idea was born after seeing my Instagram profile this morning:

My Instagram account just showed me that I made exactly 200 posts so far.

My Facebook page got 273 likes and 278 subscriptions.

My Facebook Itinerant Online Power Flow classes event has 64 interested people so far.

My Website was visited 716 times.

My Youtube channel has 13 subscribers and 274 total views on all published videos.

My Meetup group reached 45 participants.

My Pinterest account reached 20.300 monthly views.

With my online and outdoor classes I reached a total of almost 40 participants so far, by giving free and on donation base classes. Other 30 participants were connected during my youtube free live classes for the YES Europe Climathon last 2nd and 3rd of May:

These are just numbers, good or bad that they are, but one thing is sure: I'm having a lot of fun and, at the same time, I'm working really hard, to improve my yoga teaching techniques, my SìYoga project, myself and my social media and SEO skills, in order to reach more people and share my passion with the world.

I even invested some money for Google Ads and Facebook Ads and some results were

visible, but I prefer to avoid continuing using my precious money for advertisement and save it instead for future advanced teaching trainings, as soon as traveling to India will be possible again. Moreover I have to pay also technical costs for the website host, domain, email address, and MeetUp subscriptions, the last 2 things I decided to stop now indeed. My online classes will continue on Skype Meet Now from today on.

I also invested some money for the creation of my logo, which was professionally realized by my friend Cristina Pareschi. And I printed some visit cards, more have to be ordered soon.

That's why I hope you will continue to follow my classes and support me, spread the word to your family & friends and let me reach more and more interested people. Only in this way I will reach my dream: becoming a full time self sustained, independent yoga teacher.

First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end.

– Aristotle

Until this moment will be not reached, I will continue to apply for part time office jobs in Berlin, in order to make sure that my German insurances will be paid, that my life can continue to be so wonderful as it is now and that other lives will be transformed in something better too.

Yoga does not change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.

B.K.S Iyengar


Besides numbers and money, let's speak now about the project which is the closest to my heart, born under the suggestion of my friend Kevin from Berlin and on the Whatsapp endless vocal massages of Nora, one of my best friend ever, an unique and genial Italian girl based in Mainz.

I started this adventure 2 weeks ago. My new project is called "Itinerant Online Power Flow Classes" as I decided to spend my summer learning, working and relaxing between Tuscany (Italy) and Corsica (France). It's a kind of SUMMER SPECIAL EDITION, as I know that most of you love such peaceful and amazing places of the Mediterranean regions. So I came up to the idea of combining the Power Yoga Flow Online Classes with gorgeous surroundings.

The first week the location was at Roccatederighi, a small village built on the top of a hill in the countryside close to Grosseto, my hometown. The first day, the 23rd of June I made my class in Italian, as only my friends Mara and Nora were joining the course. I apologize for the audio of the youtube videos, unfortunately the wifi connection there was not the best one!

The day after, the 24th of June, the language of the class was German, as only one student from Berlin made it to join me. This time the audio and the light were a bit better and the swimming pool behind me gave a touch of fluidity to the class.

After that amazing week, I said bye bye to my family and friends and I took a ferry to cross from Tuscany to Corsica, where my lovely boyfriend, as well as acro yoga partner, is working right now for the Summer season.

As soon as I arrived I was enchanted by the natural beauty of this place. The infinite sea just in front of us, few tourists, and an overwhelming peace created the perfect setting for my next lessons and my personal retreat.

On the 30th I had my first class in front of our accommodation, as I just arrived and didn't find the time to test the internet connection of the beach yet. The language was Italian as only my friend Ele joined this time.

On the 2nd of July I finally made it to seek refuge on the beach and had the best class ever of my life. Again only one participant was active, which for the moment it's still a great result for me, at least I'm never alone! The language I chose was English. I had some microphone problems that next time I will definitely avoid, as I now understood the limit of the bluetooth radius. That's why this time there is no video of the class in youtube but only an intro video to the gorgeous location and one of me making handstand practice watching the sea.

Today at 7 pm there will be the next class from the same place on the beach, which is now my standard natural yoga studio for the online classes with you. I'm feeling so lucky to have the opportunity of being here, where the life is slow and the cicadas are chanting every day.

During the mornings and early afternoons I have to follow an online course on SEO and Social Media Management to refresh my marketing and business skills and improve my chance to find a part time office job, but during the evening and the weekends I can enjoy this paradise and teach yoga online to the ones who are willing to. The other option is that also the guests of this wonderful hotel Le Ruesco will book some private yoga classes, so finally I can teach again face to face to some new students. For that reason, I'm also improving my French skills and hopefully soon I will be able to upload an online class in the language "de l'amour".

I hope to see you soon connected to one or more of my Power Flow Yoga Fluid Classes from the wonderful beach of Olmeto, in the south west side of Corsica. I will also start, from today on, to give a topic to the practice. This week, for instance, we will start focusing on the element of water. All information and instructions to join the class you can find here.





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