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Upcoming winter in Berlin...

Writer: Silvia SchiaroliSilvia Schiaroli

Hello everybody,

It was a long time I didn't give you some updates regarding my yoga activities around the globe :) So, in order to maintain my monthly rhythm, here we go with the October Blog News!

After this Covid19 Sommer, spent between the wonderful Tuscany, to visit my parents, and the incredible Corsica to stay close to my boyfriend, showing you magical sea, mountains and beaches, as the one in the picture below, through different yoga videos and tutorials uploaded in my youtube channel, I'm now back home, in the immortal Berlin. In the city I love, which is deeply transformed this year, but in somehow it always stays the same.

As the temperatures are now low and the winter is coming, I cannot continue to make outdoor classes, and the online presence is also declining, I have to admit. But that's why I always look for new sources of inspiration and collaboration. Already before my return, I took a lot of contacts and I'm now really proud to announce that, starting from November, I will host Ashtanga Yoga Classes at Sinnlicht Yoga every Monday from 7:45 to 9:15 pm in SonnenRaum (room of sun :) )

Dennis, the owner of the space, is a very kind yogi guy and I'm really happy to start this new adventure there, getting to know new teachers and teaching styles.

The studio is in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, in the Stahlheimer Strasse 4 10439 close to Humannplatz. It is really close home too, another important factor for my sloth style of the cold and rainy Berlin evenings :)

Due to Corona restrictions only 7 people can fit the room, so be sure to book your spot in advance! Urban Sport Club Members are also very welcome!

The other days, I will continue my search for a job, since my yogic finances are weeping, and on Wednesday and, starting from November, also on Friday I will host online classes through Google Hangouts.

These are only the first steps of this new start in Berlin, so I hope you enjoyed this short update and see you soon in one of my courses :)

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu,





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